National Demands

These demands focus on issues central to the youth climate movement and environmental justice, as well as highlighting our work involving youth in environmental policy spaces. 
We have organized campaigns and demands that take us beyond our previous work – building on strikes to create more change on a larger scale. We hope you will join us as we move forwards, from marching on the streets at strikes, to joining our organizing team, or as an individual willing to dust off their inner activist.

1. Take Science to Action
  • Declare a National Climate Emergency and align action accordingly: divest and Stop it at the Source.
    • Transition national energy investments and subsidies to a green and renewable economy.
    • Halt fossil fuel exploration, extraction, and infrastructure and increase emission fines exponentially over time.
    • Eliminate fossil fuel interests from climate negotiations.
  • Enact regulations and impose legal repercussions of appropriate scale to hold corporations accountable for their perpetuation of environmental destruction.
  • Establish permanent climate considerations across federal agencies and decision making bodies.
2. Reinvest in Communities
  • Equitably and consciously invest in sustainable local economies.
  • Instill the values of coexistence of society and the natural world and implement climate change science as a topic in the national education curriculum.
  • Listen to and value the demands of frontline communities and end historical financial and environmental disenfranchisement.
3. Uproot the Systems
  • Recognize climate as an intersection of all systems of oppression.
  • Invest in social justice movements that decolonize and deindustrialize, as well as climate solutions that center overexploited nations.
  • Combat colonialist and imperialist ideology and hold wealthy former colonial powers accountable for perpetrating destruction.

* Click on each demand title to view or hide the specific demands.

For the Press Release and media-related inquiries, see the media page.

ACRUX version 0.11 by twentyonepenguins