
The objective of Fridays for Future United States’ media strategy is to inspire grassroots, youth-centered organizing on the global climate crisis. We use press and social media to raise awareness and demand action. We work to promote green and climate-friendly legislation, organize global climate strikes, and highlight young activists. We aim to engage young people from all walks of life in organizing against the global climate crisis. We demand a better planet – and highlight and uplift the work of disenfranchised and marginalized communities and activists, standing on the shoulders of previous generations of activists.

For press and media inquiries, please contact

Press releases

#StopFundingFossils EXIM annual meetingThe US Export-Import Bank (EXIM) is a federal bank that uses taxpayer dollars to finance projects overseas. Despite the Biden Administration promising to end its international fossil fuel finance at COP26 in 2021, US EXIM has continued to provide over $1 billion USD in financing new fossil fuel projects. Read more here.
#EndFossilFuels Global Day of Climate ActionOn April 19, local groups within the Fridays for Future USA (FFF USA) network will participate in the FFF Global Day of Climate Action in cities across the country. Following the March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City in September, youth will take to the streets to demand an end to the era of fossil fuels. Read more here.
FFF US condemns Biden’s potential approval of the Willow ProjectThe Biden Administration has signaled that they will approve the Willow Project oil development. The Willow Project is a carbon bomb, and an environmental and political disaster that we cannot afford. President Biden promised young people, climate voters, and frontline communities that he would stop oil and gas expansion on federal land, and that he would be a climate president. A climate president wouldn’t approve Willow. Read more here.
#PeopleNotProfit Global Climate StrikeOn September 23rd, 2022, local groups across the Fridays for Future U.S. network will be striking for climate justice under the international narrative #PeopleNotProfit. This strike, during the lead-up to COP27 in November, is focusing on climate justice for MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas) communities most affected by the climate crisis – specifically through Loss and Damage finance. Colonizers and capitalists are at the core of the systems of oppression that directly cause the climate crisis.
#PeopleNotProfit Global Climate StrikeOn March 25, 2022, local groups within the Fridays for Future U.S. (FFF U.S.) network will be hosting Global Climate Strikes across the country. The international Fridays for Future strike narrative, #PeopleNotProfit, demands that those in power prioritize people and our home over corporations and economic greed. Following the recent IPCC report release, it is plainly clear that immediate climate action and mitigation is necessary to prevent environmental disaster, and those in power are not listening. We need immediate and significant investment into social and environmental welfare through expansion of renewable energy, and immediate and total divestment of fossil fuels. 
#UprootTheSystem Global Climate StrikeOn October 22nd, 2021, local groups within the Fridays for Future U.S. (FFF U.S.) network will be hosting Global Climate Strikes across the country – with emphasized focus on our Global Climate Strike in Washington D.C.
#UprootTheSystem Global Climate StrikeOn September 24th, 2021, local groups within the Fridays for Future U.S. (FFF U.S.) network will be hosting Global Climate Strikes across the country – with emphasized focus on our Global Climate Strikes in Los Angeles, CA and New York City, NY. Our first strike back in person as the world continues to grapple with COVID19, we are emphasizing safety alongside our belief that immediate and extensive climate action is critical.
National Demands LaunchThe launch of FFF U.S.’s National Demands will serve as a guide to our coming advocacy and campaigns. The upcoming Global Climate Strikes will act as both a mass mobilization for change and an opportunity for youth to share their climate demands as part of the lead up to the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP)26 in early November.
#NoMoreEmptyPromises Global Climate StrikeWe are hosting a Digital Rally and day of events, highlighting prominent youth climate activists and creating a community space to reignite energy in the movement. This event is hosted by climate organizations across the country and will serve as the official launch to bring back the Fridays for Future USA movement. Specific program details can be found on our website.
FFF USA Official LaunchFridays For Future USA is back! We have been working to rebuild for the past 6 months and we are mobilizing on March 19th to reignite the U.S. climate strike movement. ur generation won’t stop striking until governments agree to remedy damaging environmental policies and take sustainable, collective action.
ACRUX version 0.11 by twentyonepenguins